If your app stays in a "connecting" mode or times out with "Network error, please try again" or "Can't connect to our service, please check your network connection and try again", we can help.
These errors could be related to your network connection, network firewall settings, or web security gateway settings. Below, we list all ports and IP ranges that may need to be permitted to use Restream.
Domain names
Protocols / Ports
Web content and HTML5 (HLS) streams: 443
Websocket communication over port 443 should be allowed
RTMP streaming from software/hardware encoder: 1935
Live studio (broadcasting from the browser): UDP ports 3478, 3479
IP addresses
Use the following URL to get IP addresses of our ingest servers: https://restream.io/api/ingest_servers_ip_addresses
💡 Restream Support is available 24/7 to offer assistance with complex issues.
Click the "Need Help?" button at the bottom right corner of your screen.