Screen share on your stream in Studio 2.0Share a browser tab, a window, or your entire screen on your stream.
Share a presentation on your stream in Studio 2.0Upload presentation decks and display your slides on your stream.
Play videos on your stream in Studio 2.0Add videos from Restream's cloud storage to your stream.
Play local videos on your stream in Studio 2.0Load video files from your device's storage to your stream.
Add images to your streams in StudioUpload or paste images to easily display them on your stream.
Add your encoder's feed to your stream in Studio 2.0Display the feed of your external software and customize it with RTMP Source.
Pull a Zoom call in Studio 2.0Display the feed of your Zoom meeting and customize it with RTMP Source.
Show a view of your desk in StudioUse your iPhone as a webcam and add an overhead view of your desk.
Screen share your phone or tablet in StudioMirror the screen of your mobile device and display it on your stream.