Connect Ecamm Live to Restream

Learn how to set up and use Ecamm Live with Restream.

Lawson Zeugin avatar
Written by Lawson Zeugin
Updated today

Ecamm Live is a fully-featured broadcasting application for Mac and is now integrated with Restream!

Connecting Ecamm Live to Restream is simple and works with any of our plans. You'll need to have the software installed and open to start.

How to connect Ecamm Live to Restream

  1. Click the cogwheel icon on the main Ecamm broadcast view window.

  2. Click Destinations, Add New Destination, then click Additional Destinations and select Restream.

  3. Type in the email and password you use for your Restream account and click Login.

  4. You will be asked to grant Ecamm Live access to your Restream account. Click Allow.

    Connect Ecamm with Restream

You're now ready to start streaming to Restream with Ecamm Live.

You can either select an Event you have scheduled or go live straight away!

Go live!

  1. Click New on the main Ecamm broadcast view window.

  2. Click Add and select

  3. Click Go Live Now and start streaming!

    Go live with Ecamm and Restream

Stream to a Restream Event

Ecamm works seamlessly with Restream Events.

  1. Click the Upcoming button on the main Ecamm broadcast view window.

  2. Select an event you have scheduled beforehand.

  3. Click Go Live to start streaming to that event.

    Use Restream Events with Ecamm
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