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Enable Accessibility on macOS for Restream Chat
Enable Accessibility on macOS for Restream Chat

Troubleshoot Restream Chat app if click through mode does not work. Follow the steps in this guide to using the app to its full potential.

Paul avatar
Written by Paul
Updated over a week ago

In order for you to use the Restream Chat to its full potential, like using the click-through mode, automatic chat updates, and settings on the macOS version, you will need to grant the chat additional permissions.

Whenever you enable the click-through mode, you will be asked to grant permissions and set the system preference for Restream chat (make sure to grant it on the first try).

Click-through mode on Restream Chat

If you have denied the permissions, you can always set them manually.


1) Head to your System Settings > Security and Privacy > Accessibility.

2) Toggle on Restream Chat.

macOS Accessibility for Restream Chat

Tip: If your chat does not show up there for some reason, click on the "+" sign and add it manually. 

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