Broadcast to Dailymotion and connect with a passionate audience anytime, anywhere.
How to connect Dailymotion to Restream
From your home screen, click the Channels button.
Click Add Channels.
Choose Dailymotion.
Enter your Dailymotion credentials and click Sign In.
You're ready to start streaming - you just need to choose how you'll go live.
Dailymotion requires a paid plan to access their live streaming feature. Please visit their guide for more details.
Dailymotion has the following recommended stream settings:
Video Guidelines
Codec: H.264 only
Resolution: 480p, 720p, or 1080p
Bitrate: 1,500-10,000 Kbps depending on resolution and FPS
Video Profile: High
FPS: 30 or 60
Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds
Audio Guidelines
Codec: AAC
Bitrate: 192 Kbps minimum
Sample rate: 44.1 Khz
How do I select a category for my Dailymotion stream?
How do I select a category for my Dailymotion stream?
You can select a category for any stream setup or scheduled event. Here's how:
Access any stream setup: Studio, RTMP, or a scheduled event.
Locate Dailymotion under the list of channels and click Edit next to it.
Under the Category menu, choose your game or topic.
Click Save.
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