Kick is a dynamically growing platform that caters to gaming and lifestyle content.
How to connect Kick
From your home screen, click the Channels button.
Click Add Channels.
Choose Kick.
Log in and authorize Restream.
You're ready to stream to Kick - you just need to choose how you'll go live.
Kick has no stream duration limit, but only the first 48 hours will save as a VOD.
Kick has the following recommended stream settings:
Video Guidelines
Resolution: max 1920x1080
Rate control: CBR
Bitrate: 1,000-8,000 Kbps
Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds
FPS: max 60
Encoding: X264 / H.264
Audio Guidelines
Channel layout: Stereo
Sample rate: max 48 Khz
How do I select a category for my Kick stream?
How do I select a category for my Kick stream?
You can select a category for any stream setup or scheduled event. Here's how:
Does Kick work with Restream Chat?
Does Kick work with Restream Chat?
Yes, you can view chat messages from Kick and monitor new subs directly on Restream. Support for replies is coming soon!
Why isn't my Kick stream connecting?
Why isn't my Kick stream connecting?
Make sure your settings are within Kick's requirements. If your resolution, FPS or bitrate is too high, you'll fail to connect.
If your settings are fine, try resetting your stream key and reconnecting your Kick channel to Restream.
💡 Learn how to add chat messages from all your platforms onto your OBS feed.