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I don't receive comments

Learn why you can't see comments in Restream Chat.

Eli Sidiropoulou avatar
Written by Eli Sidiropoulou
Updated over 7 months ago

If you're having trouble seeing comments from your platforms in Restream Chat, we can help you sort it out.

Confirm the platform supports reading comments

Some platforms don't have chat support or don't allow reading comments through third-party apps, like Restream. Check this section under your chat settings for a list of supported platforms and features

Note that integration-dependent features, such as Chat, will not work for Custom RTMP channels. For such channels or unsupported platforms, view the chat on the end destination directly.

Make sure you're currently live with Restream

Restream Chat works while the stream is live and Restream is used for the broadcast. You need to be live with Restream Studio or have your third-party encoder streaming through Restream for the Chat to receive comments from connected platforms.

Try a reconnection

Turn relay mode on/off in your chat settings to reset the connection.

If that doesn't work, remove the affected channel from your list of platforms and reconnect it to Restream. Note that this step will interrupt your stream on that channel.

💡 Restream Support is available 24/7 to offer assistance with complex issues.

Click the "Need Help?" button at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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