Get a Refund

Learn how to get a refund.

Randy M avatar
Written by Randy M
Updated over a week ago

Restream offers a 7-day money-back guarantee period.


  • Only first-time subscribers are eligible for the 7-day refund.

  • If you upgrade from one paid plan to another, the new upgrade is not considered an “initial purchase" and will not be refunded unless the upgrade is canceled within the 7-day trial period of the original purchase.

  • Auto-renewals are not covered by the 7-day money-back guarantee.

How to get a refund?

  1. Cancel your paid plan within 7 calendar days from the date of purchase.

  2. Contact our support team through the blue chat box icon in the bottom right corner of the page and ask for a full refund.

As a Restream user, you are fully in control of your subscriptions and billing. We’ll automatically bill you from the date you convert to a paid account upon each periodic renewal until cancellation.

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