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Test your stream on LinkedIn

Create a LinkedIn test event and run private streams to prepare for your live show.

Eli Sidiropoulou avatar
Written by Eli Sidiropoulou
Updated over 3 weeks ago

LinkedIn test events allow you to do a private trial run of your stream and check your connection to LinkedIn before your live show.

Create a LinkedIn test event

  1. From the admin view of your company page, click the Create button on your left.

    💡 Creating test events is only available to company pages, not personal profiles.

  2. Select Create an event and fill in the following details:

    1. Under event format, select LinkedIn Live.

    2. Set up an event name and select a date and time based on when you'll test.

    3. Finally, make sure to check the box next to "This is a test event".

  3. Click Next and then Post.

  4. Your test event is ready; it's only visible to page admins and people with a link to it.

Connect your LinkedIn test event to Restream

  1. From your home screen, click New Stream.

  2. Choose the same streaming method that you'll be using for your real show.

    1. For Studio and RTMP events, click the Schedule button on the next screen.

    2. For video files and playlists, follow the prompts to select the files for your event.

  3. Fill in a dummy title and click Next. The rest of your details will automatically fill based on your LinkedIn test event in the next step.

  4. Toggle on your LinkedIn channel, then click Connect an existing LinkedIn Event

  5. Choose your LinkedIn test event from the list and click Next, then Save.

How to go live to your test event

Restream Studio

  1. Locate your test event card on your home screen and click Enter Studio under it.

  2. When you're ready to begin, click Go Live.


  1. Locate your test event card on your home screen and click RTMP Setup under it.

  2. Copy the URL and stream key and paste them into your streaming software.

  3. Start streaming from your software.

Video Files and Playlists

You don't need to do anything; your test event will automatically air at the scheduled time.


  • LinkedIn test events are only available to company pages, not personal profiles.

  • You can only connect your LinkedIn test event to a Restream up to 15 minutes before its scheduled starting time.

  • You can go live any time from 15 minutes before and up to two hours after your scheduled start time.


What is the best way to test using the same setup with my real show?

If you have already set up a stream for your real show:

  1. Locate the relevant stream card on your home screen.

  2. Click the three dots and select Duplicate. This will create a copy of your real event in Restream.

  3. Click the three dots on the duplicate stream card and select Schedule.

From there on, you can use the same steps as the ones listed above to connect your test event to Restream and go live.

How can I do a test stream if I'm streaming to a personal profile?

For personal profiles, LinkedIn doesn't support private events, so any tests you run will be public. To check your setup, we recommend doing a record-only session with Restream instead.

If you need to test your LinkedIn connection, you can play a brand video or similar content as a test stream. That way, you'll make it look like you're running a promo. To prevent issues, don't run any tests on real events that you plan to stream live.

To delete a public test stream from your profile:

  • LinkedIn allows the event to be deleted immediately if there are no attendees other than the organizer.

  • If there are two or more attendees, the organizer can delete it 24 hours after the event ends.

  • Even if attendees are removed from the event, the organizer still has to wait 24 hours to delete it.

💡 Do you want to test your stream on more platforms? Check out unlisted YouTube events.

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