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Stream to LinkedIn

Learn how to add your LinkedIn profile or company page to Restream.

Eli Sidiropoulou avatar
Written by Eli Sidiropoulou
Updated over 4 months ago

Go live on LinkedIn to leverage the biggest social network for professionals.

How to add a LinkedIn channel

  1. From your home screen, click the Channels button.

  2. Click Add Channels.

  3. Click LinkedIn.

  4. Choose whether you want to connect your profile or a page you manage.

  5. Sign into your LinkedIn account from the authorization page and click Allow.

  6. You will be redirected back to Restream.

    1. If you connect your profile, it will automatically be in your list of channels.

    2. If you select a page, you'll see a list of the pages you own/manage to choose from.

  7. Your LinkedIn is ready to stream - you just need to choose how you'll go live.
    Restream Studio is the easiest and the first choice for most LinkedIn creators.


  • LinkedIn has to approve your profile or company page for live streaming. Here are the key requirements:

    • Audience base: 150+ followers/connections to qualify for LinkedIn Live.

    • History: Good standing under Professional Community Policies.

    • Geography: Unavailable in mainland China.

    • Account age: Page or profile must be 30+ days old.

  • Adding LinkedIn on Restream triggers its auto-apply function. If you get an error message saying you are not approved, review LinkedIn's live broadcasting criteria.

  • Multi-streaming to more than one LinkedIn channel at once is not allowed per LinkedIn's policy. You can add as many LinkedIn channels as you want to your Restream account, but you can only toggle on one at a time.

    💡 See our workaround for streaming on both a profile and a page.

  • LinkedIn has the following recommended stream settings:

    • Duration: max 4 hours

    • Aspect Ratio: 16:9

    • Resolution: 720p (recommended), max 1080p

    • Frame Rate: max 30 fps

    • Key Frame: every 2 seconds

    • Bitrate: max 6,000 Kbps video; max 128 Kbps audio, 48 kHz sample rate

    • Encoding: H264 video, AAC audio

    • Protocol: RTMP


Can I create a LinkedIn Event with Restream?

Yes, our scheduling tool makes it easy to create your LinkedIn event directly through Restream. You can learn how to schedule a LinkedIn event here.

Can I stream to an event I already created on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can easily connect your existing event to Restream, as shown here.

Can I start my stream early or late?

You can go live any time from 15 minutes before and up to two hours after your scheduled start time. If you don’t go live within this time period, the post will show that your stream is canceled.

Can I do a test stream on LinkedIn?

For company pages, you can do a test stream by creating an event on LinkedIn and checking the box "This is a test event." For detailed instructions on setting up and streaming to a test event, check our detailed guide here.

For personal profiles, LinkedIn doesn't support private events, so any tests you run will be public. To check your setup, we recommend doing a record-only session with Restream instead.

If you need to test your LinkedIn connection, you can play a brand video or similar content as a test stream. That way, you'll make it look like you're running a promo. To prevent issues, don't run any tests on real events that you plan to stream live.

To delete a public test stream from your profile:

  • LinkedIn allows the event to be deleted immediately if there are no attendees other than the organizer.

  • If there are two or more attendees, the organizer can delete it 24 hours after the event ends.

  • Even if attendees are removed from the event, the organizer still has to wait 24 hours to delete it.

Does Restream work with LinkedIn Audio Events?

Starting in December 2024, LinkedIn Audio Events are merging with LinkedIn Live, so you can absolutely use Restream's integration with LinkedIn to broadcast your live content in whatever format you prefer. Scheduling events and going live will continue working the same way on Restream, and LinkedIn users who previously did LinkedIn Audio Events can do audio-only streams with Restream Studio. You can learn more about doing LinkedIn Audio Events with Restream here.

💡 Create your LinkedIn Event with Restream and set up an effortless stream

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